How to Get Up the Nerve

This comic is out of order. It was written months before it ran on my website. I cannot remember why it ran out of order, but the answer can only be that I made some mistake. I would have put it back where it belongs for the reruns, but I forgot all about it until now.

Whatever mistake I made originally that led to the comics being out of order, it has been perpetuated by my own forgetfulness.

I can tell you that this comic was written while I was still in Seattle, working in an office downtown. Thus the rain and the bus (Ugh, the King County Metro Bus to work. I don’t miss that one bit). By the time it ran I was in Orlando, working at Walt Disney World. (Walking in from the massive parking lot and across the park in a full polyester bellhop costume with 100% humidity was a totally different kind of unpleasant, but at least I was surrounded by happy people. That was not the case on the King County Metro Bus.)


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