How to Listen to Other People's Medical Problems

Hey everybody, it’s exciting announcement time!

Two items to share:

1.       Off to Be the Wizard is now available on the Kobo reader. iBooks and Sony are coming soon, and Google Play is in the works.

2.       My best friend Rick, … not the fictional character you all know as Rick, but the real guy, who looks just like the fictional character, and acts like him as well, is now writing an advice column. It's called Asking the Wrong Guy, and you can access it via this link, or you can click on the link in the navigation bar of this website. We’re going to run the column on this site once a week for the next three months, just to see how it goes. (Note: Asking the Wrong Guy has now moved to its own site!)

Rick and I met when we were both stand-up comics. I was opening for him. If I’m being honest, the people who knew us both back then would likely have told you he was the more talented of the two of us. I’m really excited to have him contributing to the site. Having read the first column, let me assure you, that is how he actually talks. His real personality is much closer to the Emperor of the Moon’s than it is to fake-Rick’s. 

Oh, and thanks for using my Amazon Affiliate links (USUKCanada).